Thursday, June 30, 2011

Angus got BUSTED

This morning Angus walked by Mommy a couple of times and brushed against her legs. Something felt a little weird so Mommy called him back, he tried to hide behind the recliners, but no such luck. He was carrying Daddy's glasses! Daddy picked up the glasses and took a better look and they are toast. Angus chewed them up pretty good this time. Daddy is going to have to buy a new pair, luckily he has an old pair to wear. Mommy asked Daddy where he had left them, Daddy said on the bookcase. Mommy said that the only safe place in the living room is on the TV, remember? Too bad Daddy has memory problems. Luckily we are pretty cute!



Noodles said...

Oh Uff-da!
Angus should not have done that. What if Daddy could not see like my Mommy cannot see without her glasses? OMD, I hope he realizes the error of his ways.
I snag chews, I mean shoes, all the time but I do not chew then long enough to inflict damage. I just like the game.
Love Noodles

House-O-Pugs said...


this is the SECOND pair of Daddy's glasses he has completely DESTROYED, the 4TH set of nose pieces on the eyeglasses that he has obliterated. I sure am hoping that he outgrows this phase soon since he is now 1 yrs old. he does have plenty of toys to play with. maybe he needs more exercise? he does have a bum leg though....

Southern Fried Pugs said...

Oops. Naughty little guy. We gave mom a break as puppies and really didn't destroy much. But we did eat lots of acorns and pinecones and potty in the house a lot. Oh wait, we still do that. Maybe we'll grow out of it soon. ;)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD... I could NOT find where to leave a comment... I have never seen a blog with that thingy on it before... I put up a new Post and someone emailed and told me where to click... WHEW..

WOW!!! Your grandpa was on the Big E when my dad was.. He doesn't recognize the name Steve Brandom... butt there were 9,000 guys on board..
I left all the info about where my dad stayed and worked and stuffs on that NEW post... Where did your grandpa stay and what was his job???
You can email me
My dad is all excited.
Aloha and Mahalo fur comin to my blog!!