Monday, February 21, 2011

Yukon Gold Potatoes Escapade

Yesterday Mommy made the big time mistake of putting the 5 lb bag of potatoes on a shelf where us pugs could get to them while they were at church. Mommy had made a yummy stew and only used 3 potatoes out of the sack. When they got home the sack was EMPTY, there were a few potatoes scattered around the house (easter egg hunt anyone?), and all of us had very full tummys! Boy they sure tasted good, we didn't want to wait for Mommy to give us our vegetable treat. After all, we are self-sufficient pugs. Rufus and Angus can hardly wait until DD plants her tomatoes this year. Now we are all pooping potatoes.....literally. Guess we got our weekly dose of fiber :)
More later.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We're Uncles now!

Mommy's grandson was born on Valentine's Day. His name is Michael, Mikey for short. He weighed 7 lbs 1 oz and is 20 inches long.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Sorry it's been so long between posts. Mommy's been sick and she's the one with the thumbs. Anyways, the otherday Daddy was eating a really yummy peanutbutter sandwich. So Mommy decided that all of us boys deserved a treat and so she spread peanutbutter on plates for each of us! We were kept busy licking for 15 to 20 min.

Then last night we had a sleep-over in the living room. Mommy and Daddy each got a blanket and settled down in their recliners and we hopped up on their laps. Doggy sleep-over!

Friday, February 4, 2011

misc stuff

I've decided that Angus's job is to be a dentist. He is always cleaning our teeth, mouth, and jowls. He does this after we eat, and whenever he gets it in his little pug brain that we need a dental check up. Does anyone else's sibling do this?
I on the other hand am a soccer star with the food bowls. I can send those bowls just flying across the room with one kick of my paw, it's just AWESOME I tell you..AWESOME!

We're still on baby watch, my human brother's baby is due in 8 days!!!!! Keep your paws crossed for a safe delivery and healthy baby.