Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This, that, and other things

Hi, I'm Pugsly. I thought I'd take a turn at posting today, after all I am the senior pug in this household. Warning: since I'm a pretty old my thoughts do wander and jump all over the place. I've been sitting on Mom's lap more and when I do the other 3 pugs decide that they need to sit there also. Needless to say it can get pretty crowded in her recliner!'s starting to get pretty windy outside.... Angus and Rufus had their first all day vet appointment on Monday. They both weigh a little over 13 lbs now. On their report cards the vet wrote that Angus was a sweet boy and Rufus is a flirt. I'm glad that they behaved for the vet and are in good health.
Meal times.... When we get fed I get put in the pen where the other pugs can't get to my food since I eat slower. I'm fine with this arrangement, it keeps me from getting upset and I get to eat all of my dinner. The problem is with Uff-Da. Mom and Dad space each of the other food bowls by several feet but Uff-Da will go psycho pug and charge and attack the nearest pug even though he hasn't done anything. The puppies have learned to not go near him while he is eating. He used to attack me. Does anyone have any advice for my parents? It's upsetting when he does this as they know that he is really a good boy.

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