Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pug on drugs, new squeaky ball, and sitting by the fire

The first picture is after the "doggy downer" aka tranquilizer Pugsly took to get him thru the New Year's Eve fireworks. Mom only had to give him half a tablet....he's such a light weight! The rest of us didn't have to take our "doggy downers" until later that evening.

Pugsly and I had to go to the Vet for our well doggy exams. Pugsly now weighs 24 lbs and I weigh 25 lbs. The vet says I need to loose another pound, we both have ear infections again. The vet also said that the puppies need to stop cleaning our ears as it is contributing to the yeast infections in our ears. Thanks a lot Angus! Maybe we should cut you and Rufus a little slack since you are only 6 months old, right? Pugsly has a skin infection so he gets to wear the "cone of shame". He also has to take antibiotics which Mom and Popsie hide in pieces of ham, and since he get a piece of ham we all get a piece of ham. Thanks in advance for the 2 weeks of ham treatsies Pugsly!! One of Pugsly's labs came back elevated so they will probably need to be repeated or he will need to get an x-ray. Keep your paws crossed that everything comes back normal.


Sandy said...

What a sweet crew of puggies you have there! We've had our share of coney heads here, too. Hope the old boy gets well soon!

House-O-Pugs said...

Thanks, Pugsly's doing better now. He's stopped licking his hip so no more cone head! Just a few more days of antibiotics left.