Sunday, June 5, 2011

Daddy's birthday dinner

Mommy got her days mixed up and thought yesterday was June 5, silly Mommy, she needs to look at a calendar next time :) anyways, Jacob, Donna and her son, and DD were are here for the birthday dinner. We had a blast playing with the grandson, he's the older of Mommy's and Daddy's two grandsons. we, Uff-Da, Angus, Rufus, and the grandson, had SO MUCH fun running around in the backyard!!! Mommy hopes to be able to post pics but needs to get the ok from the grandson's mommy first. We fell asleep soon after they left we were so worn out.
Mommy stayed home from church today as she is on pain meds and muscle relaxors due to her car accident. someone rear ended her and pushed her into the truck in front of her on Wed evening. she didn't think it would be a good example to the 7 and 8 year olds in her sunday school class if their teacher was "acting strange"/under the influence. so she got a substitute and stayed home. her prius as $6100 estimated worth of damage. the car rental place gave her a SUV to drive, YUCK! It was either that or a mini van and the suv got better gas mileage. she is used to it costing $25 to fill up and thought that was high, she about died when she had to fill up the SUV. keep your paws crossed that it doesn't take more than 2 weeks to fix the prius.

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